Spirometer med touchscreen Datospir Touch Easy

Så lågt som 25 958,68 kr Exkl. moms 20 766,94 kr
Så lågt som 25 958,68 kr Exkl. moms 20 766,94 kr
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Betala säkert med:
Betala säkert med:
Datapir Touch Easy spirometer med pekskärm.

Mode Occupational Medicine (OC)
Prevention-oriented centers and each other. Enables testing of FVC and bronchodilation quickly and easily for the early detection of occupational lung diseases.

(1) Ethernet Internet connectivity for sending email testing and consulting
data remotely.
(2) HL7: Health Level Seven is an international standard for interoperability of information systems health. (By W20s software).
CDA: Clinical Document Architecture.

Quality control program:

The recommendation ATS / ERS 2005 advised to check the accuracy of the spirometer volume periodically.

To verify that the transducers measured correctly, the spirometer includes a simple verification procedure, which requires a few seconds.

Accessories and features include:
Technical specifications:
Optional accessories:

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