This website, like most websites, uses Cookies to improve and optimise the user experience.

Below, you will find detailed information about what Cookies are, what type of Cookies this website uses, how you can disable them in your browser and how to specifically block the installation of third-party Cookies.

1. What are Cookies?

Cookies are files that web sites or applications install to the browser or on the device (for example, smartphone, tablet or connected TV) of the user during their visit to the web pages of the site or by the application, and serve to store information about your visit.

Like most sites on the internet, this website uses Cookies to:

  • Ensure that the web page work correctly.
  • Store the preferences, such as the selected language and the font size.
  • To know about the user's browsing experience.
  • Collect anonymous statistical information, such as what pages the user has visited or how long they have stayed on the website for.

The use of Cookies allows you to optimise navigation, adapt the information and services offered for the interest of the user and to provide a better experience whenever they visit the website.

This website uses Cookies to operate, adapt and help the user's navigation as much as possible.

2. Typology, purpose and operation

Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be divided into session or permanent cookies. The first ones expire when the user closes the browser. The second ones expires when the objective for which they serve is met (for example, so that the user remains identified in the website) or when they are manually deleted

Additionally, depending on its purpose, Cookies can be classified as follows:

  • Strictly necessary (techniques): These are essential for the proper functioning of the page. Normally they are generated when the user accesses the website or initiates a session in it and they are used to identify them on the website with the following objectives:
  • Keep the user identified so that, if he leaves the website, the browser or the device and at another time re-accesses the website and he/she will remain identified, helping the navigation without having to re-identify him/herself.
  • Check if the user is authorised to access certain services or areas of the website.
  • Performance: They are used to improve the browsing experience and optimise the functioning of the website, such as, for example, storing the service configurations, or storing the purchase made in the shopping cart
  • Advertising: Are those that collect information about the ads shown to users of the website. There are two types:
  • Anonymous: These only collect information about the advertising spaces displayed on the website, regardless of the user who accesses the website, that is, without expressly identifying them.
  • Personalised: These collect personal information about the user of the website by a third party, for the personalisation of the mentioned advertising spaces.
  • Geo-localisation: These Cookies are used to find out in which country or region the user is when they access a website service in order to offer content or services appropriate to their location.
  • Analytics: They collect information on the user's browsing experience on the website, usually anonymously, although sometimes they also allow the user to be uniquely and unequivocally identified in order to obtain reports on the interests of users in the services offered by the website.

3. What cookies do we use?

Own cookies:

These Cookies are sent to your device from our device or domain and we use it to offer the services requested. For example, we use them so that you can quickly access your customer account, to make navigation possible, so that you can correctly manage your orders and delivery addresses or, for example, not to show you information about the cookies policy if it detects that you already accepted it.

Third party cookies:

These are sent to your device from our device or domain that is not managed by us, but by another collaborating entity. The purpose is to show you content that really interests you and improving your experience on our website.

Specifically, we use the following services, for the following reasons in the following table:

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to collect navigation information, and to measure and analyse the audience. This tool does not obtain data about your name or surnames or the postal address from where you connect. The information obtained is related to the number of pages visited, the language, the social network in which our news is published, the city to which the IP address from which you are assigned is assigned, the number of new users, the frequency and reoccurrence of visits, visiting time, browser and operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made.

In Quirumed we use this information to improve our pages, detect new needs and assess the improvements to be introduced in order to provide a better service to users who visit us, adapting them, for example, to the most used browsers or terminals.

Google Adwords

We use Google's advertising services. This service is used for 2 objectives: To identify the visits that come from a sponsored advertisement in the search engine and to be able to quantify how many visits were require for the end sale. To analyse the user navigation to offer products of interest to external websites that have advertising spaces managed by Google's advertising network (retargeting).


Attribution of social campaigns.


Retargeting advertising.


We use Bing's advertising services to identify the visits that come from a sponsored advertisement in the search engine and to be able to quantify how many visits were require for the end sale.

Retail Rocket

Sending triggers about the abandoned cart or a personalised newsletter.


Define typologies, segmentations and user profiles, as well as provide, manage, administer, expand and improve services and / or products, by analyzing the use of products of interest by Users. To do this, we are managing with the "Hotjar" application a better experience for the user in the purchase process.

4. Disable the use of Cookies

If the user so wishes, it is possible to stop accepting browser cookies, or stop accepting cookies from a particular service.

All modern browsers allow you to change the Cookies settings. These settings are usually found in the "Options" or "Preferences" of the browser menu.

The user may, at any time, disable the use of Cookies on this website by:

5. What happens when you disable Cookies?

Some functionalities and services may be disabled or have a different behavior than expected, for example, remain identified, keep purchases in the "shopping cart" in an e-commerce service or receive information directed to your location, among others.

If you disable the use of Cookies on this website, it is likely that you will no longer be able to access certain areas of the website or that your browsing experience will be significantly degraded.

6. Updating the Cookies Policy

QUIRUMED, SLU, can modify the Policy of cookies in the function of legislative, regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting the mentioned policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, therefore users are advised to visit it periodically.

When significant changes occur in this Cookie Policy, we will proceed to translate them on the web.

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Copyright 2004-2024 | Quirumed S.L.U. | CIF: B97267405 | Registered in the Mercantile Reg. Of Valencia. Volume 7319, Book 4620, Section 8, Folio 91, Page V-86377 | RII-AEE: 5331